National Coming Out Day ~ October 11, 2015

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National Coming Out Day is Sunday, October 11th, 2015.
Let’s celebrate together!

National Coming Out Day is a time to celebrate gay pride, and many people pick this day to come out to their parents, friends, co-workers and themselves. National Coming Out Day was founded in 1988 by Jean O’Leary, an openly gay political leader from Los Angeles and then head of the National Gay Rights Advocates and Robert Eichberg, a psychologist from New Mexico,  founder of the personal growth workshop, The Experience. October 11th was chosen because it is the anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.

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National Gay Rights Advocates and eighteen states participated in the first National Coming Out Day back in the late 80’s. The event was covered nation wide. The NCOD did a huge media push and had all 50 states on board and seven other countries and in 1990 they merged their efforts with the Human Rights Campaign.

Support your fellow LGBT friends and family. It is not always easy coming out. It causes a lot of stress an emotion. When you show your support to someone who has just come out (any day of the year) it can be a huge sigh of relief that they know someone is on their side. Weather you are LGBT or an Ally so your love and support!

When someone is battling with their sexuality it can be a very lonely process! By sharing your experiences in a difficult time it can help some of their stress and loneliness!
