Happy New Year from GirlfriendsMeet

Happy New Year20141231-Happy-New-Year

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you will ever have.”

—  Eckhart Tolle

The year 2014 has come to a close and we would just like to reach out to all our lovely ladies and say Happy New Year! Every year more and more change is coming about and we’re pushing forward the idea of equality. The gay community has continued to ally with us and support us more and more each day. It’s unfortunate that by 2015 the concept of true equality still does not exist but we are making progress. We’re helping others and in doing so we’re helping ourselves. So make New Year resolutions that you’ll stick to. Be healthy in a way that works best for you. Travel to a place you’ve never been before. Shed and rid yourself of the negativity that may have accumulated all year. When you begin to love yourself you allow others to feel the same way. Work on becoming the version of yourself that you want to be and when you have finally achieved that and you’re ready to welcome somebody into your life. You know exactly where to start looking (here’s a hint: GirlfriendsMeet.com)

We wish you all the best in the New Year and we hope that you find the perfect kiss for New Year’s Eve. Let’s start 2015 off with a bang!

Happy New Year!
