At GirlfriendsMeet I am always making a point to not only celebrate and uphold LGBTQ equality but also diminish other unfair treatments as well such as religion and race. Today we take a moment to suggest a movie for your next … Continue reading
At GirlfriendsMeet I am always making a point to not only celebrate and uphold LGBTQ equality but also diminish other unfair treatments as well such as religion and race. Today we take a moment to suggest a movie for your next … Continue reading
It’s the end of January which might mean that you’ve already forgotten or simply ignored any New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t worry, you’re not alone as most have already given up by now. We can help. Here are some tips for making your … Continue reading
Today we are going to look at sexuality and what it means and how we determine or classify it. Bisexual YouTuber NotAdam helps us breakdown sexual identity. Check out the video below before we get into the details. There was a … Continue reading
If you’re familiar with this blog you know how much I absolutely love Orange is the New Black. The story lines and the characters are absolutely fantastic. It’s been gaining more and more popularity with every season. Especially with Ruby … Continue reading
Lesbian YouTuber Arielle Scarcella says it best when she iterates that we all know what fetishes are by now. However there are certain things that only the lesbian community does that you might not know about and have so far … Continue reading
Instagram is the perfect way to communicate what’s currently happening in your life and it’s easy for everyone to use. You can just snap a photo on your smart phone of what you’re wearing, eating or buying. Looking through Instagram … Continue reading
It’s crazy to think that only one hundred years ago being gay was almost completely unaccepted and unheard of. This didn’t mean that it didn’t exist however it just stayed underground with very few people willing to come out. We’ve … Continue reading
In this video of “One Nation. One Team. 23 Stories.” Woman’s soccer player Ashlyn Harris sits down to tell us the story of growing up as a female and what obstacles she had to overcome and play soccer professionally. Coming … Continue reading
The world is a big place. You’ll find people who pride themselves on being single while others you encounter feel like they just can’t make it alone. Time alone can give you time to reflect. It can often be a great time to … Continue reading
We’ve talked about huge pride festivals all over the world before and now comes the time to talk about the biggest pride festival ever conceived that will take place in New York City in 2019. This event will commemorate the … Continue reading