Making Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

20160126-PDC-Blog-Making-New-Years-Resolutions-Stick-400It’s the end of January which might mean that you’ve already forgotten or simply ignored any New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t worry, you’re not alone as most have already given up by now. We can help. Here are some tips for making your New Year’s resolutions stick or rather making the right goals in the first place and accomplishing them.

Write down your goal(s)

Recording your goals and seeing them in a list is the first thing you do. They’re not quite set in stone but taking the time to write them down invests time hand helps you remember. Seeing your goals or resolutions in front of you can help you examine each to see if their attainable.

Choose one resolution or goal at a time

I am terrible at focusing on one goal so I know this is tough for many. When I make goals I often layer them or make goals dependant on each other. I want to lose weight, save money, drink less, be more informed, read more etc. all at the same time.  Then I try to convince my brain that they all fit together and although this may be partially true it can make the whole ordeal overwhelming. Resolutions and multitasking are never a good mix.

Break one goal into achievable mini goals

This means that if you’re trying to lose 100lbs aim for 10lbs first or if you’re trying to save money save $100 first or make your first part of the goal to open up a savings account. By achieving mini goals you won’t be discouraged and will want to continuously move on to the next little goal.

Stay in a good mood

If you’re in a good mood you’re more likely to achieve your goals because stress isn’t pulling you down. Do this by making sure you’re eating on time and drinking water then try watching movies or reading books that make you laugh and hang out with people whose company you enjoy. Another thing you can do is remember goals that you have already accomplished. This will put you in a good mood.

Drink some orange juice

Okay this one might be a bit weird I admit but according to a study done by Florida State University it has been found that drinking lemonade or orange juice can actually help your self control. This is because it’s feeding glucose to your brain. Remember however that Sunny D isn’t going to cut it and you need to go for the real thing. Keep in mind that Florida State could be biased here.

Be nice

When you’re emitting positive energy and thinking about making sure everybody reaches their goals then in turn you will do the same. You’ll also have people who care more about making sure you reach things that make you happy. So take the time to be a little more nice than you usually are.. and no this does not mean you’ll be pushed around.