Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for LGBT

Everyday can be a struggle when you classify in the LGBT spectrum and suffer from mental illness. I know this all to well. I have had depression, OCD and anxiety throughout my life. It is known that LGBT youth are at a higher risk for mental health problems. Discrimination contributes as a high risk factor.

  • LGBQ youth were more likely than heterosexual youth to report high levels of bullying and substance use;
  • Students who were questioning their sexual orientation reported more bullying, homophobic victimization, unexcused absences from school, drug use, feelings of depression, and suicidal behaviors than either heterosexual or LGB students;
  • LGB students who did not experience homophobic teasing reported the lowest levels of depression and suicidal feelings of all student groups (heterosexual, LGB, and questioning students); and
  • All students, regardless of sexual orientation, reported the lowest levels of depression, suicidal feelings, alcohol and marijuana use, and unexcused absences from school when they were
    • In a positive school climate and
    • Not experiencing homophobic teasing.5
      (Resource: http://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/youth.htm)

When I see a company like Because Love it make me so happy that there are people out there making a difference.

Here is their story:

“In early 2014, both Warren and I (David) were struggling, emotionally, with various aspects and circumstances of our individual lives. Having both been diagnosed with anxiety disorders when we were younger, these battles were common but never easy. A close mutual friend suggested we connect and talk it out with one another.

In connecting with one another, we recognized the importance and value of having a support system AND a willingness to USE IT. One central theme in our discussions was how LOVE from various people (friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers) had carried us through tough times, and the ways in which helping others helped us. BECAUSE LOVE is our way of taking a negative and turning it into a positive. We’re constantly working to re-define our lives by embracing, providing, and encouraging love, BECAUSE LOVE matters.” – David

“Dealing with my anxiety was a battle I was choosing to face and lose, alone.” ~ David (Co-Founder)

“I was always putting on a brave face, masking the belief I would forever be hiding a dark secret; thaat I was afraid of almost everything.” ~ Warren (Co-Founder)




Check out their website and show your support at http://because-love.net

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for LGBT