Butch, Androgynous And Masculine Clothing Line

SHARPE-10-EDITSharpe is a company geared towards butch, androgynous and masculine ready-to-wear suits. It focuses on creating clothing for the androgynous body type. They are located in Los Angeles, California and have created a ready-to-wear line of clothing inspired by queer bodies. You can shop in their LA store or go directly online at sharpesuiting.com. Traditional masculine clothing has rarely ever been available to anyone but those with the physical frames of cisgender men. The team at Sharpe Suiting is here to change that. Up until now there has not been a masculine clothing line for women.

ANDROPOMETRICS ™ ~ Our suits fit androgynous bodies better using Andropometrics ™: our trademarked formula for masculinizing or better matching the individual identity of butch women, trans men, and anyone who wants a Sharpe fit. Although our suits and dresswear are inspired by our community, we will gladly suit anyone who wants a high quality suit with a perfect fit.” ~ Sharpe Suiting

There is over 22 years of tayloring experience, and over 30 years of marketing experience, plus 15 years of fashion school alone in the staff at Sharpe Suiting. Founded by Leon Wu. Check out their story:

The Sharpe Group from Sharpe Suiting on Vimeo.


Check out Sharpe Suiting at sharpesuiting.com

