Lipstick Lesbian Problems

20151005-GFM-Blog-Lipstick Lesbian Problems-400Being a lipstick lesbian comes with a lot of problems but they all seem to focus around the problem of assholes and how they never want to believe that you can look feminine and still be a lesbian. Below are some problems that I have experienced.

  • When you refer to having a girlfriend, people assume that it’s a friend who is a girl. They can’t fathom that you are actually dating another woman.
  • When your friends talk about hot guys and “conveniently” forget you are a lesbian.
  • When people tell you that you don’t look like a lesbian or that you’re too pretty for a lesbian.
  • When lesbians don’t talk to you at gay clubs because they think you’re one of the straight girls that frequent the establishment.
  • When guys ask if they can watch.  This makes your sex life feel cheap and fetishized.
  • When men ask, “Why don’t you just date guys if you’re dating a butch girl?”
  • If you used to dress more butch but eased into femininity and now people think you’re morphing into a straight person.
  • When straight girls would rather use you for their lesbian sexual fantasies but are far less likely to actually go on a date.
  • When people call you the girl of the relationship… uhm no you didn’t date a girl to have a boyfriend. You are both girls.
  • Family members like to think it’s a phase and ask why you don’t have a boyfriend yet. They don’t understand that you will have a wife one day.
  • When you see a cute butch lesbian and she thinks you’re rudely staring at her because of the way she looks when all you are doing is just checking her out.
  • Or the absolute worst one of all when guys say that they can turn your straight. Uhm yeah that’s definitely not how it works.

Are you a lipstick lesbian? Do you relate to any of these tedious problems? Or if you have any other funny problems tweet us @GFMDating and let us know (seriously!) there are probably a ton I’m missing out on.GirlfriendsMeetAd-640X100