
If you’re reading this then I hope you had a fantastic funch this afternoon. If you don’t know what “funch” means then check right here because it’s something you definitely need to know. Now on to the good stuff. We are back with more lesbian slang to blow your mind and keep you in the know. Now it’s time to take a moment (if you don’t already know) and guess what the phrase “Bambi-Sexuality” means or “Bambi Sexual.”

Did you take the time to make a guess? If you weren’t sure, don’t worry. A Bambi Sexual has absolutely nothing to do with bestiality… I hope your mind didn’t go there at all. It’s also not a person whose parent was shot in a forest. It’s a couple or person who likes focusing more on affection in the relationship rather than sex. This generally includes no genital contact just kisses, cuddling and hugging. It actually sounds kind of cute when you think about it and on an emotional level can be just as rewarding as sex.

Urban Dictionary defines it as, “Bambi Sexual” is a term used to describe two people who focus on kissing, cuddling, and caressing as opposed to genital stimulation.

“I’m not Asexual, I’m Bambi-sexual. Let me smell your hair and put my tongue in your ear. “

Meanwhile, Autostraddle.com defines it as, “Physical interaction centered more about touching, kissing, and caressing than around genital sexuality.”

When I think Bambi sexual I think it should definitely mean a lesbian whose father would shoot himself if he found out. Like watch out for her…she’s a Bambi sexual so you can’t meet her family. Then again, on the other hand I try every day to make sure that gays are getting equal treatment so it would probably be better to not have any slang for that.


I think that a Thumper sexual would be the opposite a couple that just has sex always and all the time like bunnies with no cute contact. That isn’t an established term outside of this article but if you want to make it happen you definitely should.

Are you a Bambi sexual or can you imagine a relationship where you go without or just have minimal sex? It’s said to be different from asexual because it’s a preference and doesn’t necessarily mean that the person absolutely does not want to have sex.
