Signs you’re ready to U-Haul

Signs you are going to UHaul

We have all heard the age old joke about lesbians and U-Hauls but the scary thing is I’ve seen it happen in real life and I’ve even had it happen to me! So how do you know when you and your girlfriend are about to U-Haul? Below is a list that gives you the hints about when the big move might be coming. Shout out to for helping us out!

They walk your dog/ get your cat’s food while you get ready for work

That’s right you’re rushing to get ready for work and they’re getting the pet(s) water and food and taking care of everything that needs to be taken care of. This means that they are already starting a connection with your animal and they’ll be ready to take care of them as soon as they move in. Just cross your fingers that you never break up because leaving a pet is hard.

When she comes over she brings beer

Yeah, she knows your favorite kind and she knows you want to kick back and relax after a long day. She knows exactly when you need a beer and why and she makes sure to keep the fridge stocked. She also knows exactly what you’ll take at your favorite bar.

On top of knowing when you need to drink she knows how you like your drinks

I’m not talking about your cocktails but it seems she always knows exactly how you like your tea and coffee. Meaning that when you wake up in the morning it will be right there for you waiting… at least you get to start your day on a caffeinated level.

Actually she knows every way that you like your food and drinks

She knows your favorite pizza topping (which is very important for hard days at work when you don’t want to come home and cook), she knows your favorite desserts, which foods you won’t touch and what you eat at the Christmas dinner. She also already knows your address because of all the times you ordered food together.

She knows when somebody is annoying you

She sees that twitch in your eye when somebody brings up something that you don’t want to talk about. She tries to ease the situation by sticking up for you or by getting out of the situation as soon as possible.

She brings over things you’ve run out of

On the way to your house she remembers that you don’t have toilet paper and you just ran out of sriracha.  She’s already doing her part around the house and contributing to the way that it runs.

She respects your choices

This isn’t a political statement though of course, that is great. This means that she knows what you like to listen to in the car and watch on Netflix and gives you that time to do so. This is actually incredibly vital in order to live together.

Now for the number one U-Haul factor in most lesbian relationships…

She knows when you’re on your period

Or even better, your period cycles have already synced up which means more time for morning sex.

If all these things have happened then you might want to start packing the U-Haul.